Saturday, January 09, 2010

Last time on the babylady memoirs....

okay so it's been a year and a half since I last posted, so lets recap....

I stopped posting essentially because the midwives I was working with had a loss. It was pretty traumatic and because it wasn't my birth or my client I didn't know how much I should post or how to handle it. The whole thing really shook me and the midwife I was with...

The pregnancy went well until the last trimester and then it got a little rough. Just hard to walk and generally painful but for the first time I didn't have any real preterm labor stuff!! I have a theory on that... Generally speaking once a woman has had preterm labor for an "unknown" reason she's likely to have it again in subsequent pregnancies. Some theorize that there is a slight bacterial infection. Well I've had preterm labor since my second child. After the birth of my first child I had an abnormal pap, they found abnormal cell growth on my cervix at my 6wk check up. I have always been pretty sure that those "abnormal cells" came from the hospital but anyway... so I had a DNC 4 months prior to this pregnancy, which really strips the entire surface of the uterus. I don't know, it could be a coincedence but I don't think so. I need to do more research, like the list isn't already a mile long! LOL

We decided to let CJ go live with his father in WI. It's been rough for me and his siblings, but all in all I think it's been good for him. He's been gone since last January.

So baby boy Gavin was born 3/10/09 on his sisters birthday. She was very happy to have him share her birthday. The birth went mostly well, he got a little stuck. There was a full minute (not too long, but longer than my others) between head and shoulders and I had to push with all my might to get his shoulders and the rest of his body out, as well as assume a funky one leg up one leg down lean to the right kinda position. He was also a little slow to start, but not enough to warrant anything more than a brisk rub down. We had a little problem nursing at first, but got his frenulum cut and was very careful how I latched him on and it went great from there.

I took what was supposed to be a break from the apprenticeship in Oct. I thought I'd return when the baby was about 6m but after some reflection I decided it just wasn't a good fit for me. I just don't think her teaching style works well with my learning style.
So now I'm working with a midwife in Arkansas. She was a friend's midwife, and that friend ended up training with her and a year and a half later is a CPM!

Nathan is home full time now, a huge blessing and what's allowing me to do this. We're all moving to Arkansas!! More on that later... So you're pretty much up to speed, not alot happens in my life I guess :)


Blogger Cat said...

Wow, I'd pretty much quit checking but decided to out of the blue today for some reason. So happy for you about baby Gavin's birth! It sounds like things are going pretty well for you.

We have another little one due in about 3 weeks ourselves.

February 10, 2010 4:31 PM  

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